Pick of the Week - Vee Mampeezy Week Begins (Botswana)
We start with a few oldies in a week devoted to the music of Vee Mampeezy, from Botswana.
Odirile Ishmael Sento is better known as Vee Mampeezy, or just Vee. He got his start in the music industry, in Botswana, a few decades ago and he's still going strong.
Much of his music falls more or less into the category of kwaito, a style that originated in South Africa, or a derivation known as kwaito kwassa. In Vee's case, a lot of the music - especially from the early days - is characterized by intense rat-a-tat percussion, jingly guitars, and aggressive almost shouted vocals.
But don't take my word for it. We'll be featuring Vee's music all week. We'll start with these outstanding songs from the early days and go from there. If you need more, try Vee's YouTube channel.
That second video is so much fun!